Sunday, March 5, 2017

Computer: Q. Explain the organization structure, its functions and duties of National Information Technology Center (NITC).

National Information Technology center (NITC) was established in the year 2002 in line with IT Policy 2002 as a premier organization of Nepal Government in ICT sector situated in Singhadurbar, Kathmandu. Being an implementing agency for Government of Nepal, NITC acts as a focal point for implementation of government e-Services. Having a data center of its own, it provides a one- stop solution for server co-location for government agencies with its government network as a backbone. Providing e-services (e.g. Business License portal, E-Gatepass system, E- procurement etc.), hosting the government websites, managing mail servers and government’s domain registration service are among the many critical services NITC is responsible for.

NITC focuses on technology enabled applications to bridge digital divide and ultimately to overcome monumental challenges in development of e-Governance. It has vast expertise and experience in the design and development of various e-Government projects. NITC functions as a focal point for development and implementation of e-Governance applications such as National Portal, Groupware, EA, GIDC, NID, PKI, e-Fax, e-Vehicle, e-Drivers License, e-Land, Passport Management, BRAMS, etc to deliver citizen centric services which have laid the foundation and provide the impetus for long-term growth of e-Governance. NITC provides consulting and training services as well to the other government agencies in the field of Information technology. Besides, it helps the agencies to develop and maintain their IT system in compliance with Government Enterprise Architecture (GEA) and Government Interoperability Framework (NeGIF). Finally, NITC aims to make Nepal global IT hub and enhance transparency, accountability, efficiency, and reliability in Government and in delivery of public services.

Organizational Structure of NITC
Board of NITC includes the following  9 members:
1.      Secretary, MoSTE                                     - Chairman
2.      Executive Director, NITC                          - Member Secretary
3.      Joint-Secretary, MoF                                 - Member
4.      Joint-Secretary, NPC                                 - Member
5.      Joint-Secretary, MoIC                               - Member
6.      Representative, FNCCI                              - Member
7.      2 Representative from expert                  - Member
8.      Representative from University               - Member

Functions and Duties of NITC
·         Render Assistance in all kinds of computer related services of Nepal Government.
·         Serve as data depository by collecting all types of data at the national level.
·         Act as data bank of Information and assist in computerization of records in government offices and in developing and expanding contents.
·         Act as a regulator for the healthy development of Information Technology.
Arrange Coding and Standardization methodology required to bring about uniformity in all aspect of Information Technology with through implementation and monitoring of the same.

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